Follow us on social media for the most up-to-date news about NIS and for highlights of exciting content & events.
3rd Annual mRNA-Based Therapeutics Summit
Joir CCO Kristin Rider, Dr. Sarah Dunn, and Dr. Brent Wood to learn how a cryo-TEM study can characterize your nanoparticles and eassess the purity and potency of your novel nanomedicine.
3rd Induced proximity-Based Drug Discovery Summit 2023
Join Anne Stone, Dr. Tara Davis, and Dr. Emily Armbruster to discuss your structural biology workflow and discuss how cryo-EM can overcome hurdles.
2023 ACA Annual Meeting
NIS will be sponsoring Workshop 1: Advanced Topics in Single Particle Cryo-EM & Cryo-ET chaired by Michael Cianfrocco and Mimi Ho on Friday, July 7th and Session 2.1.3: New developments in cryoEM and cryoET, presented by Anchi Cheng, Anthony Fitzpatrick, Sunday, July 9th.
International School of Crystallography 2023
CSO Dr. Giovanna Scapin is co-directing the International School of Crystallography 58th Course, "Structural Drug Design 2023: Biology, Chemistry and Computers".
19th Annual PEGS Boston Summit
Join CCO Kristin Rider and Dr. Sarah Dunn to learn how one cryo-TEM study can give up to 7 answers with one image. Join us at booth 19 or email us at info@nimgs.com to schedule a meeting.
9th NovAliX Conference Biophysics in Drug Discovery
Join Anne Stone and CSO, Dr. Giovanna Scapin to learn how cryo-EM can overcome roadblocks in your single particle analysis workflows. Visit us at booth 16, or email info@nimgs.com to schedule a meeting.
ThermoFisher Scientific & NIS Open House
2nd LNP Formulation & Process Development Summit
Join Dr. Sarah Dunn, Dr. Mandy Janssen, and Reilly Waltz for a discussion on how cryo-TEM can aid in processes such as new formulation development, process development, batch or lot comparisons, and long-term stability and storage condition assessments. Don't miss Dr. Mandy Janssen speaking about cryo-EM for characterizing nucleic acid-based therapeutics & vaccines on April 18th at 10:45 am. Visit us at booth 5, or email info@nimgs.com to schedule a meeting.
2023 Ligase Targeting Drug Development Summit
Join cryo-EM and protein experts Anne Stone, Dr. Tara Davis, and Dr. Kenny Kang to discuss how cryo-EM can improve your single particle analysis workflow.
4th Annual Protein Degradation & Targeting Undruggables Summit
In the past decade, the field of targeted protein degradation has grown exponentially becoming a new therapeutic route for the treatment of several diseases. Learn more at this conference with our cryo-EM experts CCO Kristin Rider, Dr. Tara Davis, and Dr. Nicole Poweleit.
NESBA Cryo-EM Mini-Symposium
NIS is proud to exclusively sponsor the first in a regular series of cryo-EM mini-symposia at Vertex in Boston, MA.
Organized by NESBA, speakers from Arvinas, Novartis, ThermoFisher Scientific, and MIT will address all aspects of the day-to-day workings of cryo-EM in drug-discovery; from sample prep all the way to computational structure determination.
WCBP Symposium 2023
Join Dr. Sarah Dunn and CEO Amy Winslow for the WCBP Symposium 2023. Visit us at booth 8, or email info@nimgs.com to schedule an appointment.
Gene Therapy Analytical Development Summit 2022
Join CCO Kristin Rider, Dr. Sarah Dunn, and Dr. Weili Zheng at Gene Therapy Analytical Development Summit 2022! Visit our booth or email info@nimgs.com to schedule a meeting.
30th Protein Structure Determination in Industry
Join Dr. Giovanna Scapin and Kristin Rider at Booth 9, or email us at info@nanoimagingservices.com to schedule a meeting.
4th Extracellular Vesicle-Based Therapeutic Development Summit
Join Dr. Sarah Dunn and Kristin Rider, or email us at info@nanoimagingservices.com to schedule a meeting.
Taking the plunge: Getting results using Cryo-EM Open House
Join us on October 4, 2022, for an open house
Want to learn how cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) can help reveal structural features of your targets and build a drug discovery campaign? At this open house, you’ll have the chance to tour an industrial cryo-EM laboratory and discuss cryo-EM workflows, technologies, skill sets, challenges, and opportunities with pioneers in the field.
America Drug Delivery and Formulation Summit
Join Dr. Sarah Dunn and Kristin Rider at booth 9, or email us at info@nanoimagingservices.com to schedule a meeting.
Discngine Labs: The future of Cryo-EM in Pharma
Join Discngine Labs and Chief Scientific Officer, Giovanna Scapin, as well as speakers from Sanofi, Thermo Fisher Scientific, and Boehringer Ingelheim for an interactive panel discussion to learn more.
Thursday, September 22
4 pm (CET) / 10am (EDT) / 7am (PDT)
Micropscopy & Microanalysis
Eric Bushong presenting at the 1-day Pharmaceutical, Biopharmaceutical, and Medical Health Products Pre-Meeting Congress on July 31. - Enabling Drug Discovery with Transmission Electron Microscopy. Learn More.
Join us at Tabletop T2!
American Crystallographic Association 2022
Jessica Bruhn co-hosting Workshop 8: Microcrystal Electron Diffraction (MicroED) with Tamir Gonen on Friday, 7/29 at 8am. Learn more.
Nicole Powleit presenting Industry Applications of Cryo-Electron Microscopy from 11:06 - 11:24 during New developments in CryoEM and CryoET: towards atomic resolution on Saturday, 7/20 at 8:30am.
Jessica Bruhn presenting at In the Rapidly Advancing Field of MicroED, What Should be Done About Past Data? on Sunday, 7/31 at 3:50pm and Evaluating the Quality of MicroED Structures on Sunday, 7/31 at 7:30pm.
25th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State
Jessica Bruhn presenting at Session 1: Crystals in nature and medicine Wednesday, July 6 at 9:40am.
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