Powerful Microscopes Resolve High Resolution Structures
Explore instruments in NanoImaging Services East & West Coast labs, which includes a Tecnai T12 for negative stain and cryo-TEM nanoparticle characterization.
The Tecnai 12 TEM is our 120kV workhorse nanoparticle characterization microscope supporting biologics and drug development. It is suitable for both negative stain and cryo-EM studies.
- The Tecnai T12 microscope combines all imaging, diffraction, and analytical techniques at good spatial resolution and detection efficiency.
- Application-specific modes include: Bright-field imaging; TEM microprobe and large specimen tilts.
- LaB6 source.
- Accelerating voltage range up to 120 kV.
- Magnifications up to 110,000x.
- Specimen Tilt Range: -50° to +50°
- Drift rate: <1 nm / min.
Specimen holders: Single tilt, cryo and room temperature.
- Maximum specimen tilt: 50°
- Drift rate: <1 nm / min